“Phoenix-branded conveyor belting has been very popular in Europe and the rest of the world with the exception of North America,” said Bret Hall, head of Phoenix and NBS Service-NAFTA. “With the recent addition of enhanced manufacturing capabilities and a highly knowledgeable sales and marketing team in North America, we now can offer our NAFTA customers a greater breadth of conveyor belt products and solutions.”

The Phoenix brand offers a complete line of steel cord, textile and special conveyor belts, as well as protection systems and field services for all belt products. The flagship of the steel cord line is called Phoenocord, and textile belts are branded Coal Quest XP, Glide Plus, Glide Ultra and Glide Surface. Some of the Phoenix special belts are branded Phoenopipe, Phoenohoist, S-Wall and Tough Coat PVC. The protective services are named Phoenoguard and Phoenocare. “In addition to these top-quality products, we offer a variety of options of service, depending on the customers needs and requirements,” Hall said.

The belts also are supported with a solid line of compounds that give each belt unique service and operating characteristics. The compounds focus on issues that are common customer concerns such as abrasion, flame resistance, heat, oil and low rolling resistance. “A unique compound for flame resistance is called Shield,” said Hall. “This compound addresses a fire safety issue that is critical to a successful mining operation.”

Hall added that the Phoenix brand would be served by a NAFTA-centric group of distributors located in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Central America.

