To improve the impact resistance of such a highly reinforced lining, the company used a novel hybrid polymer matrix to increase ductility and toughness, while retaining the critical cohesive properties required for reliable performance in these aggressive application areas. MX1 can be applied at a nominal 6 mm (240 mil) and up, with film thickness after grit blasting to a minimum of Sa 2.5/ SP10 (near white) cleanliness with a 75-125 μm (3-5 mil) angular profile. The new and improved MX1 can resist more than 68 NM (50 ft.-lbs.) of force, has tensile pull-off adhesion values of 4200 psi (295 kg/cm2) per ASTM D4541, and slurry abrasion response number of 1778 per ASTM G75, surpassing other conventional ceramic modified epoxy linings by 25% or more, according to Chesteron.