According to Notícias, carrying the 1 million mt of coal mined by Vale Moçambique in the Moatize district involved a fleet of 32 trains, 638 rail trucks and a logistics structure including 260 workers. Figures provided by the newspaper showed that Vale Moçambique, which uses a train with two engines and 42 trucks to carry it coal, contributing to improving Mozambique’s balance of trade and its GDP. According to projections, more than 5 million mt of coal from Moatize, 4 million from Vale Moçambique and 1 million from Rio Tinto, will be carried this year along the Sena Railroad headed for the Asian, European and African markets. Rio Tinto, which mines at Benga in Tete province, recently sent its first two trains loaded with coal to the Port of Beira.
