Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced she would be stepping down in mid-December. “The Premier has given her life to the public service of Queensland and done much to improve the wellbeing of many people,” said Queensland Resources Council CEO Ian Macfarlane. “Unfortunately, 18 months ago the Premier also presided over the introduction of the world’s highest coal royalty tax into Queensland that has made our state uncompetitive for new investment in new resources projects.

“We have already seen Glencore cancel the development of the Valeria mine in Central Queensland, costing thousands of jobs, and BHP has openly stated it will not be investing in new projects in Queensland.

“Queensland needs a Premier and government that encourages investment and growth in the resources sector to grow jobs, exports and the state economy.

Macfarlane said it was extremely important the next Premier of Queensland was willing to be more openly supportive and encouraging of the resources sector.

“The mining and energy sector contributed A$116.8 billion to the Queensland economy in the last financial year and supported the jobs of more than 530,000 people across our supply chain,” he said.

“The best outcome for Queensland in terms of jobs and business opportunities will be achieved when the State Government acknowledges the importance of the resources sector in its policy-making decisions to ensure they don’t harm our sector’s future.
