NLT officials voiced enthusiasm over the approval and the flexibility it will provide coal miners. “Mines can now ensure miners underground are tracked for safety purposes — the tag is enclosed and powered,” said NLT Global President Heidi Levitt. “As long as your lamp is working, you know the tag is too.”
These features, according to Levitt, make the solutions unique. “No other company offers the flexibility of choices within a cordless lamp as NLT does,” she said.
Genesis is a tracking tag-enabled, cordless cap lamp. It’s known as a more senior version of the popular Northern Light Polaris, noted Levitt, owing to its resemblance to the Polaris, but with slightly increased depth of the back housing to accommodate a personnel tracking tag.
The MSHA approval for Genesis came with the Aeroscout tracking tag installed, and with “tag ready” lamps also approved. Cap lamps, accordingly, have their own MSHA approval, noted Levitt; this means future tag installation may be submitted for MSHA approval.