Ukraine has taken a key step towards energy independence from “the aggressor,” DTEK reported. It has also received its own energy “airbag,” in case of disruption to the Ukrainian power system.

This week, Ukraine’s United Energy System (UES) was synchronized with the Hungarian energy system through the Burshtyn TPP. Slovakia and Romania will come next, according to the Ukrainian power producer. Joining ENTSO-E marks a major change in Ukraine’s energy industry, linking it to the European Union (EU) system.

This is true teamwork and a credit to everyone involved: the Ministry of Energy, NEC Ukrenergo, the electricity producers and our European partners.

Thermal power plants (TPPs), in particular the DTEK Energy TPPs, have made a major contribution. Despite the ongoing war, energy sector participants have worked incredibly hard over the past three weeks, on top of the years of preparation, to fulfill the final technical commitments.

All the necessary technical regulations have been blueprinted and integrated. And, the thermal power plants’ power units have been reconfigured with automatic frequency and power control systems to ensure the current frequency is maintained, in accordance with ENTSO-E standards. Certification tests have also been conducted. While plenty of work remains, a landmark has been achieved for the Ukrainian energy industry.
