More than 200 officials from Primorye Region, Khasan District, the Far East Railroad, Russian Railways OAO and Chinese Railways attended the opening ceremony for the new border checkpoint. “Until now, Mechel made major coal deliveries to Chinese customers only through sea ports,” said Pavel Shtark, CEO Mechel Mining. “The opening of this railroad route will enable Mechel to diversify its logistics and make better time on deliveries to China.

In related news, Mechel held successful tests of equipment producing coking coal concentrate at the Elga coal deposit’s seasonal washing plant in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The plant was launched at full capacity before the end of August. Before the end of this year’s season, the plant will process about 50,000 metric tons of raw coal. The test batch produced at the washing plant will be tested at Mechel Coke. Next year the company will consider the possibility of exporting coking coal concentrate.
