Vayeron unveiled a wireless inclinometer for underground longwall mines. It is a next-generation low-CAPEX alternative to conventional inclinometers needed for guidance and control information used by longwall control systems, the company reported.

The unit spent 14 months in development and will be manufactured in house. It offers a 75% cost reduction over predecessor competition, Vayeron reported.
The inclinometer was a finalist in the Queensland Mining Awards.

Vayeron reported the development of the inclinometer was driven by customer desire to improve conventional systems and address an industry requirement to lower costs.

“The product development was done in collaboration with mining companies and was immediately adopted the moment it was available for purchase,” Vayeron CEO Ryan Norris, CEO said. “This is not surprising as the sensors represent a 75% cost reduction on old technologies. We make these devices right here in Mackay and are proud to add to Mackay’s mining capability and status on the global stage.”
