Taking the top two prizes, the Bart B. Lay Milestone of Safety Award and Eustace E. Frederick Milestones of Safety Award, were Phoenix Coal-Mac Mining’s Holden No. 22 surface mine and Rockspring Development’s Camp Creek mine No. 1, respectively.
Awards were also given to mines and facilities in the four regions of the state. In region one, the underground mines earning honors were Consolidation Coal’s Shoemaker mine, Wolf Run’s Sentinel operation, Mettiki Coal’s Mettiki E mine and Red Bone Mining’s Crawdad No. 1 Portal B.
The sole surface winner in the region was LP Mineral’s Humphrey No. 7 mine.
Coresco’s preparation plant and Carter Roag Coal’s Star Bridge plant took home recognition in the facility division, and Fairfax Materials’ Ours Quarry was also a winner.
Preston Contractors was the top independent contractor. In region two, underground miner winners were Brooks Run Mining’s Wyoming No. 2 mine, Spartan Mining’s Lower War Eagle mine and D & H Mining’s No. 1 operation. Tops in surface were Skyway Strip’s Skyway II mine, Extra Energy’s State Line surface mine and Onyx Energy’s Weyanoke operation.
The top preparation plants were Litwar Processing’s Litwar facility and Couger Processing’s Couger plant.
Region three winners in the underground division were Aracoma Coal’s Aracoma Alma No. 1 mine and Spartan Mining’s Ruby Energy operation. At the surface, the top mines were Coal River Mining’s mine No. 6, Highland Mining’s Reylas surface mine and Cliffs Logan County Coal’s Toney’s Fork surface operation.The region’s top preparation facilities were Rum Creek Coal Sales’s Zigmond processing plant, Apogee Coal’s Franco plant/loadout and Mingo Logan Coal’s Cardinal preparation plant.
Finally, in region four, there were six underground Mountaineer Guardian winners, including Kingston Mining’s Kingston No. 2 mine, Marfork Coal’s Horse Creek Eagle mine, White Buck Coal’s Grassy Creek No. 1 mine, White Buck Coal’s Hominy Creek operation, Brooks Run Mining’s Cove Mountain deep mine and Frasure Creek Mining’s mine No. 15.
On the surface side there were five winners: Alex Energy’s Edwight surface mine, Simmons Fork Mining’s Ewing Fork No. 1, Brooks Run Mining’s Seven Pines, Kentucky Fuel’s East Gulf Surface complex and Elk Run Coal’s (dba Republic Energy) Empire operation.
Top preparation plans for region four were Brooks Run Mining’s No. 1 preparation plant and Pocahontas Coal’s Affinity preparation plant.