Tree planting machines, capable of planting up to 10,000 seedlings in a single day, began work in mid-December and will continue through March planting species native to each mine location. In addition to planting loblolly pines for commercial timber production, a variety of trees and shrubs are also being planted to establish quality wildlife habitats.

“For almost 40 years, Luminant has set the standard in restoring mined lands. The continued success of our reforestation program is a testament to the hard work and continuous innovation of our employees,” said Sid Stroud, director of environmental mining. “We take pride in being a steward of the environment and are constantly looking for ways to both enhance our efforts and advance the science of land reclamation.”

Even before federal and state laws were written, Luminant was committed to reclaiming mined land in an environmentally sound manner, while adding value in the process. Since beginning reclamation and reforestation efforts nearly 40 years ago, Luminant has reclaimed more than 66,000 acres and planted nearly 29 million trees.
